Overseas warehouse a generation of hair-head journey

Head Quotation
Product Name purpose warehouse 21-99KG 100-300KG 301-499KG 500KG Origin Cut-off/date
Gude Tou Cheng-Shanghai Meisen American LAX Warehouse 15 12 12 12 Shanghai Closing orders at 12:00 on Sunday (entering positions)/sailing on Wednesday/Thursday
Gude Tou Cheng-Shenzhen Yixing American LAX Warehouse 16 13 13 13 Shenzhen Closing orders at 12:00 on Sunday (entering positions)/sailing on Wednesday/Thursday
Gude Tou Cheng-Shanghai Air Transport American LAX Warehouse 41 38 39 40 Shanghai 12:00 daily cut-off (goods into warehouse and systematic forecast)
Price Description:
The above price includes customs duties, customs clearance fees, cross-border freight and transportation costs to our LAX warehouse in the United States.